Business Practices Do Not Exist in a Vacuum

Business Practices Do Not Exist in a Vacuum

Imagine a fight between two boxers. Say, whoever wins, takes home five million dollars, and the other one takes nothing. Say, they both agreed on it. It’s an honest fight, all fair. Then one of the guys slips drugs in the other boxer’s drink so that his rival gets sleepy and tired and cannot fight adequately. And the charlatan wins and takes the prize.

On the surface, it’s a victory. But in the reality underneath, it is not a victory. It is a disgrace and an act of cowardice. The suffering of the other guy is real but the victory of the coward is an illusion. Confusing people’s minds with propaganda and desperation (“you have to… or else you’ll starve”) is like slipping drugs into one’s drink. If you are strong, you know that it’s an act of weakness.

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